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10. Line 1, Wuhan Metro Bridge

Number 10 on the list can also be found in China, and it’s a bridge built for metro traffic, namely the line 1 in Wuhan. The bridge is 37.7 kilometers long.

09. Lake Pontchartrain Causeway

This is the oldest bridge on the list, and also the longest bridge in the US. Lake Pontchartrain Causeway is also located in Louisiana and used to be the longest bridge over water until 2018.The total length of Lake Pontchartrain Causeway is 38.4 kilometers.

08. Beijing Grand Bridge

The big bridge in Beijing is a part of the high-speed rail between the capital and Shanghai. It has a length of 48.1 kilometers.

07. Bang Pakong Expressway

When Bang Na, or Bang Pakong Expressway was opened in the year 2000, it was the longest bridge in the world. However, much has happened since, and Bangkok’s longest bridge will have to be satisfied with 7th place on the list.Bang Na is 54 km long.

06. Hongkong–Zhuhai–Macao-Bridge

This is one of the newer bridges on the list, and it was finished as late as 2018. It connects Hong Kong and Macao, and is built over water, which means that the Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macao-bridge is the longest bridge over water.Total length is 55 kilometers.

05. Weinan Weihe Grand Bridge

This bridge is 79.7 kilometers long and part of the high-speed rail between Zhengzhou and Xi’an.

04. Tianjin Grand bridge

When it was finished in 2010, it was at number 2 on this list according to Guinness World Records, but it was quickly surpassed. The Tianjin Grand Bridge is located in China and has a length of 113.7 kilometers.It is part of the high-speed rail between Beijing and Shanghai. 

03. Cangde Grand Bridge

The third longest bridge in the world is part of the railway line between Beijing and Shanghai. Cangde Grand Bridge is 115.9 kilometers long.

02. Changhua–Kaohsiung Viaduct

The world’s second longest bridge can be found in Taiwan and has a length of 157.3 km.

01. Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge

The Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge is the longest bridge in the world with a length of 164.8 km. It was finished in 2010 and is a continuous bridge over land and water between Beijing and Shanghai.

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